Domestic partnership, also known as, "Hi facebook, I'm GAY! But you won't let me be!"
What in the world is wrong with being Gay or Lesbian or Bisexual? Where in the bible does it say anything about gay marriage and about it being a sin? The bible is HOW OLD!? 45678987656789 years? 100000000BC? Is it even REAL? Lots of revisions eh? Ohh.. Okay, I thought so. Shut the fuck up. Stick your man made book up your dandy white child molesting asses and call it a day.
Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against religion. I don't give a damn about it either. Sure, I believe there is a God. Is his name God or Jesus? Well I have no idea, know why? Cause the bible is too old for me to care. You believe in what you believe, you accept what you accept. Stop JUDGING PEOPLE. That's a sin, isn't it? 70% of religious people sin every single day. Negative thought? SIN! Skipped a stop sign? SIN! Cursed? SIN! BAM BAM BAM!
I don't know everything, but I do know this. If you ignore negative people you will be a lot happier. I wish lames would stop trying to ruin other peoples lives because they don't like what THEY do. WHO THE FUCK CARES! We are DIFFERENT PEOPLE! We can't all have common interest, it ruins being unique and yourself. Sheesh. Don't worry about other peoples lives if they don't even exist in yours. Live YOUR life. Dumbass.
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