Random: Picture Perfect

I've never been the type of person to fall for photos that completely envision just a person as the main focus. I've always been one to like photography that included lifeless objects, that we happen to use everyday. I'm quite tired of "photographers" now a days, but Andre Talbot caught my attention with these photos.

In this photograph you see here, we have a school bus, yes cheese bus, but all in all, we have a great example of a lifeless object that seems living and vibrant all on it's own. The cloudy sky just sets the mood for a perfect setting.

Here we have a beautiful snow day. Andre captures the person with ease, causing us to first explore the person then work our way around the image. Pure beauty I might add, picture perfect. :]

These photos were taken by Andre Talbot.
You can check out the rest of his photos on:
Follow him on Twitter @LoveCoolDre click below!

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