Poetry: Demon Child

Demon child, staring back at me...
Why must you be this way?
There is no reason to feel..
Reality my dear, it isn't real.
Run, baby, run as far away as you can.
My demon child, give me your hand,
Sit with me, listen to my song.

"Oh there she goes, once again alone
She believes she is made of nothing
Therefore that is what she is.
Oh but she knows, oh yes she knows
The world is only like this for the moment
So just look at it and hold it
Because it will be yours and you'll unfold it.

Oh there she goes, once again alone,
This is not your throne, this is not your place
This is not your race, so go on home.
My little baby, how much I love you,
I'll always be here, oh yes to love you.

You will never be alone, as long as you have me.
All you have to do is believe me.
I promise, yes I promise,
I do it all for you
All for you and me..
So we can be happy.

Oh there she goes, no longer alone..
This is your castle, this is your home.
So open up your heart, and give it to me,
Let me hold you, let me unfold you.
Because I love you, oh yes I love you.
I'll always love you.. True."

Demon child, oh my dear demon child
Listen to my words..
This here is your world
So hold it for as long as you can,
Fight here with me, give me your hands.
This world is yours, you can do it all
Just listen to my calls
Love yourself divine...

And I promise, you'll be fine.

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