Random: AH!

Wow I'm rarely posting anymore. Everyone has a blog now.. This used to be a place I could come and publicly speak my mind however & whenever I wanted through poetry..
But it's old now.. Everyone's doing it. Everybody has to be down with something...
Since this new year started it's the same bullshit. :)
and I love it. This attention people give me without knowing that them being on my case for severals hours of their week gives me a satisfying feeling, is so great.
But... It's bullshit still. :)
very petty. I blocked a few stalkers on Twitter. Yuuuuuuup.
Deleted a few peeps off facebook. Smh.. & my ex Brandon got expelled cause some girl in his college pressed charges!! He also told me she'd been stalking me for the 2 years I've known him.. As a link to get closer to him.. Fucking weirdo.
Now he's back in the Bronx, & I'm tryna see if I can find him a job with my boss.
Oh yeah! I got a job! I'm an assistant now ..
it's fun though, I just take calls and design shit. I even met Tina Fey, she's helping my boss with some music thing in her company for her new show. Hopefully things work out!
I might be on the cast as an extra, that shit would be mad fun, I'm odhee hype! Don't judge me, lmao!
Well yeah.. Regents week was fun. Had a valentine but he's some fake shit from bk. Tuhhhh. LMFAOOOO.

Schools back in session soooo.. Adios!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello my friends! Who are you!?