Poetry: Lyrically Inclined

I was digging through my files in my computer and I found something I wrote way back on December 28th.

My cranium,
more ingenious than any normal cerebrum,
dialect 2 dissect any complicated perplexed mathematical theorem,
I leave a nigga on delirium.
I am the cure i am the serum.
niggas think m fearin' em,
but nigga I am lyrically inclined to dismiss ya off ya shrine
Thinkin you a star standin' by the bright lights
Thinkin that u got su'n that i might like?
Don't waste my time like..
I'ma vulgar chick,
I gotta dirty mouth, get me some orbits.
Nigga thinkin he fly, he look like Norbit.
Thinking you in the zone,
Nigga I zoned it, all you did was clone it,
found out that I owned it, you wanted it,
so I sold it but nigga you ain't me,
How you gonna mold it? How you gonna hold it?
Thinking you brand new,
Nigga you on ya old shit.
Wanna get married?
You gotta cold dick.
Poppa nigga in da mouth with'a flap,
Pull out da gat,
and pop em *pap pap*!!
You don't go hard,
get glocked wit da mac and as a matter a fact..
I'm the best thing on the menu, i am the big mac.
The big cheese, baby, you could hold that.
But let me remind you, I always been back.

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