Poetry: Beautiful Man

I stare at him while he lays asleep. I can't help it.
He's truly irresistible. I want him. I want him now!
But I will wait, I love watching him sleep (wake up!)
His gentle breathing makes my heart jump and my head lands in a slump.
I want him.
His eyes, still narrow, filled with lashes, I begin to wonder how many there are, but, I don't care (I just want to pounce on him! But I don't dare..)
I want him.
(His air smells of beer, a night of fun with the guys. Oh how I want him between my...)
My eyes slip from his nose to his lips. I kiss and nibble them in my head.
I want him (to give me...)
I soon observe all of him. I giggle as his breathing sounds like a squeak, due to his asthma and how his face twitches when I stare long enough.
I then touch his messy beard, glide my finger over his lips and kiss his forehead. I stroke his big arms, oh the muscle ( I get weak, bite into my lower lip with my teeth..)
I want him.. I want him, I want him!
Fortunately, he's already mine (just a few more hours 'til we can grind..)
Until later, when the sun shines, sunshine. ;)

Toodles! xoxox


AiRene said...

great poetry! :)

Ag said...

Aww I like the third line of the poem, lol!

PEPi said...

haha thank you :]