Poetry: Broken

Break me!
I yell break me!
Seems everywhere I look
Everywhere I turn
Someones trying to shake me
Why do people hate me?
Fuck you! Fuck your life.. I whisper..
I wish you'd die! But I don't.
Throw your words at me! That's all they do.
Sting like stones.. This is what you do!

Break me! Hate me!
You will never take me.
I am me & I am unique & I am strange
I am an alien with no brain... ha.
Fuck you. You don't understand!
This is who I am! This is who I am!

Fake. Fake? What, when, where, how!?
Why? You can't pin me down.
Try to hit me, I dare you.
I can only look... I snare you.
But why.. why hate me?

Innocent! Innocent I am!
I've done nothing! I'm still human.
Mistakes.. Mistakes yes.. I'll make.
But me? No. Fuck you.
Me? You will NEVER break.