Poetry: Say Goodbye

It's so easy loving you
Yes, yes its true.
It's so easy loving you...
So easy to let you hurt me when you do.
So easy to let you strike me when you do..
Cause it's so easy loving you.

I take the pain & make it my own..
It's my own fault, I know.
Hit me, make me bleed,
Bruise me up.. I feel the high..
You're like my weed.
It's my own fault..
These are my own thoughts.

But hey, I do it to my own self.
The pain, all the marks that you dealt.
It's my own fault.

You say shut up
But I keep talking
You say stop
But I keep walking
You say come back
But theres no more stopping.

It was so easy loving you.
But now? Baby now? I say adieu.
So goodbye & goodlife
From me, to you.


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